Dark Web Monitoring

Don’t be blindsided by your employee’s dark web data.

With more and more data breaches happening every day, it’s likely your employees’ information is being sold on the Dark Web.

We will search the Dark Web for compromised credentials associated with your domain.

Let’s stop a breach BEFORE it happens.

Get your FREE Dark Web Scan and Baseline Assessment today!

Are you looking to secure your business against cyber threats? Look no further! Our team at CX IT Services offers top-notch cyber security services to protect your business from the constantly evolving world of online threats.

With our expert team of security professionals, we provide comprehensive security solutions to keep your business safe. We offer a range of services, including:

  • Threat analysis and assessment
  • Firewall installation and management
  • Network security monitoring
  • Penetration testing
  • Employee training on security best practices

Our team stays up-to-date on the latest cyber security trends and techniques to ensure that your business is always protected. We take a proactive approach to security, constantly monitoring your network for potential vulnerabilities and taking steps to prevent an attack before it happens.

Don’t leave your business at risk. Trust the experts at CX IT Services to keep your data and systems secure. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help protect your business.

We put security first.

We offer a complimentary baseline security assessment that analyzes your business’ dark web presence, simulated phishing response, and security awareness training scores to provide you with an overall look at your human-related security risks.

In order to beat cybercriminals, we have to share the cybersecurity responsibility.

1. We find what’s compromised
We scan the dark web based on your domain and find all accounts that have been involved in a breach. This information, including compromised credentials, is freely available on the dark web.

2. What would your employees do?
Having compromised information on the dark web can increase your risk of receiving a phishing email. See what your employees do when sent a fake phishing email and assess your human vulnerabilities.

3. Remediation with education
We can provide you with engaging, video-based security awareness training. Educate your employees on the risks they face so you can help them better protect themselves and your business.

4 . But why?
Cybercriminals take advantage of businesses with limited budgets. Technology alone isn’t enough when employees are opening the door for cybercriminals. Let’s help your employees keep the door locked.

“Protect Your Business Against the Threats of the Dark Web with CX IT Services’ Dark Web Monitoring Services”

As a business owner, you know how important it is to protect your company’s sensitive information. But did you know that a large portion of stolen data ends up on the dark web?

The dark web is a hidden network of websites and networks that can only be accessed using specialized software. It is often used by cybercriminals to buy and sell stolen data, such as credit card numbers and login credentials. If your business’s data ends up on the dark web, it could be at risk of fraud and identity theft.

That’s where [Your Company Name] comes in. We offer dark web monitoring services to help protect your business against this growing threat. Our team of experts will constantly monitor the dark web for any mention of your business’s sensitive information. If we find anything, we’ll alert you immediately so you can take action to protect your company.

With our dark web monitoring services, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your business’s sensitive information is being protected against the dangers of the dark web. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact CX IT Services today to learn more about our services and how they can benefit your business.

What is the Dark Web?

Watch our quick video below to learn about the dangers of the dark web.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read some of our frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not listed below, please contact us for more information.

The dark web is a hidden network of websites and networks that can only be accessed using specialized software. It is often used by cybercriminals to buy and sell stolen data, such as credit card numbers and login credentials.

Dark web monitoring helps businesses protect against the threat of their sensitive information ending up on the dark web. If a business’s data is found on the dark web, it could be at risk of fraud and identity theft. Dark web monitoring can help identify and prevent such threats.

Dark web monitoring involves constantly monitoring the dark web for any mention of a business’s sensitive information. If any such information is found, the business will be alerted so that appropriate action can be taken to protect the company.

It is possible for businesses to monitor the dark web themselves, but it requires specialized knowledge and tools. It is often more effective and efficient to work with a team of experts who have experience in dark web monitoring.

The benefits of dark web monitoring include improved protection against cyber threats, reduced risk of fraud and identity theft, and peace of mind knowing that your business’s sensitive information is being monitored and protected. It can also help a business comply with industry regulations and standards for cyber security.