Microsoft 365
Advanced Threat Protection

Advanced Threat Protection adds additional Security Layers to your business.

As a business owner, you know how important it is to protect your company’s sensitive information. But with the increasing number of cyber threats, it can be challenging to keep your business safe from online attacks.

That’s where Office 365 Business Premium and Advanced Threat Protection come in. Office 365 Business Premium is a comprehensive suite of productivity and collaboration tools, including email, online storage, and video conferencing. And with Advanced Threat Protection, you can add an extra layer of security to your business’s email and other online services.

Advanced Threat Protection uses advanced technology to identify and block threats, such as phishing attacks and malicious links, before they reach your inbox. It also provides real-time alerts and reports to help you stay on top of potential security threats.

But the benefits of Office 365 Business Premium and Advanced Threat Protection don’t end there. This powerful combination can also help improve your business’s productivity and collaboration by:

  • Enabling your team to access email, files, and other resources from any device
  • Providing a secure platform for online meetings and video conferencing
  • Allowing your team to work together on documents in real-time
  • Offering regular updates and new features to keep your business on the cutting-edge

Don’t leave your business vulnerable to cyber threats. Contact CX IT Services today to learn more about Office 365 Business Premium and Advanced Threat Protection and how they can benefit your business. We’ll help you get set up and provide ongoing support to ensure that your business stays safe and productive

Frequently Asked Questions

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Office 365 Business Premium is a comprehensive suite of productivity and collaboration tools. It includes email, online storage, and video conferencing, among other features.

Advanced Threat Protection is an additional security feature for Office 365 Business Premium. It uses advanced technology to identify and block threats, such as phishing attacks and malicious links, before they reach your inbox.

Office 365 Business Premium and Advanced Threat Protection provide a secure and productive platform for businesses to access email, files, and other resources. The combination of these tools helps businesses protect against cyber threats and improve their productivity and collaboration.

Office 365 Business Premium provides a suite of tools for productivity and collaboration. Advanced Threat Protection adds an extra layer of security to these tools, using advanced technology to identify and block threats before they reach your inbox.

The benefits of using Office 365 Business Premium and Advanced Threat Protection include improved security, productivity, and collaboration. It can help businesses protect against cyber threats, access email and other resources from any device, and work together on documents in real-time. It can also help businesses comply with industry regulations and standards for cyber security.